Saturday, January 26, 2008

A Tale of Two Lives Turned

I typically tend to write blogs about things that I love to critique (which include myself particularly) and the people surrounding that situation. One thing I've noticed however is that I don't balance it with a positive business and subsequently people have grown to believe I'm bitter and don't think there are any good things in the church or in the world. While I will critique a bit here, I want to focus on some things that my friends have shown me that continually prove God and His graciousness.

True love. It's self-sacrifice. That's the best definition I think anyone can give in the English language for the phrase "true love." While the lovely lady I currently have at my side is an amazing example of that, I actually want to concentrate on another woman I know and what she's done.

This woman (whom I rarely see anymore) truly is one living out Biblical attributes. True love and self sacrifice are most definitely in her dictionary and while her naivety sometimes gets in the way of this, I can't help but be mesmerized by her willingness and longing to do otherwise. A quick example: whenever her friends have problems/issues, she drops everything in the world that's important to her, turns 90 degrees towards the important one and concentrates solely on their well being. This truly lives out 1C13 (1 Corinthians 13:4-8).

I'm in continued astonishment of her questioning of everything in Bible and everywhere else in the world. Sometimes she'll come to me regarding these issues but only because my input is just an opinion for her to use in making her OWN decisions. She knows I'm not the utmost authority on... well just about everything... but knows that because I'm older, that I may be able to help her along in her journey through life. It's people like this that make me thank God for coming down and saving those who repent and trust through Christ's atoning work.

Another thing that amazes me about those who've been hurt (the ones that I know) is their true resilience. I have a guy friend who's gone through alot of family issues. Needless to say, anger and bitterness has found it's place in his heart. Within the past few years however, he's allowed himself to be humbled by slowly bleeding out this resentment and turning it into forgiveness. While things continue to neither advance nor slow with him, I can see his willingness and humility (in spite of how much few see the real him) start to show on his exterior and if he keeps it up, there's no telling how many people he can help in His namesake.

While I could continue to write this forever (seemingly), I think I should stop here simply because this is enough. I could sing praises all day long regarding these people but their significance is best played through short verses and anonymously so that others can use this as encouragement if they're going through the same thing. While this may be different than what I normally write, I know this will get to someone. To you, I want to say this: find out why we're here; follow your conscience; and you won't go wrong.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Judgment: Is It Okay?

It's been awhile. I've missed posting my thoughts. Things have been different for me lately and accordingly my thoughts have changed. Not my view; simply my thoughts and the ability to write them down, now that I can act them out and have other people to talk to about them. With that said, something came to me that I really haven't discussed before: Is judgment wrong?

Simple answer: nope. However, in our post-modern society today, if I dare make a judgment that in any way, shape or form can be taken negatively, it's wrong and I should not have even had such a thought. The irony of this statement however is that it in fact is a judgment in and of itself that negatively applies to me. This is the way of the post-modern: do whatever you want; think whatever you want; act however you want; just as long as you dont physically hurt anyone else and/or impose your beliefs on them. In other words, do what you want, wallow in your own sin and leave me to mine all the while not telling me what I'm doing is wrong.

The problem again with this mindset is that it in and of itself IS A JUDGMENT! It contradicts everything about contradiction. By saying no one is allowed to judge, you're in fact saying that no one else but you should judge yourself; again, in other words, I like to wallow in my own downfalls so please leave me there.

The implications of this are just mind-blowing. If this thought process were taken and applied universally, then it is completely justifiable for me to passover a kid drowning in a swimming pool, watch someone get shot on the side of the road and finally run naked throughout the streets while crapping on a picture of Hillary Clinton. None of these things are good; morally, ethically or otherwise.

So why is it okay to make judgments and to whose judgment should we be making them? I would simply state the 10 commandments. Don't you think it's rather ironic that the ACLU is trying to rip these out of America's fabric? What better way to push an agenda that basically states anarchy than get rid of the moral law of righteousness? Honestly, the reason our society says that we should not judge is because no one can decide what's right to judge BY, other than his or her own feelings of course.

This is only but another reason why there has to be something outside of time; something eternal; a Creator. If there isn't a universal standard by which we should be judged and/or judge others, I should have every right to do whatever I want, when I want and how I want... even if that means crapping on Hillary.

Bottom line: judging is right as long as it's done with a universal standard in mind and appropriate for the circumstance at hand. If someone can give me a good indicator outside the 10 Commandments on what we should judge by and why, by all means please let me know. Until then, no one can get past this thought; and that's a judgment you cannot escape from.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Evolution Slowly Bleeds Away

Can someone please tell me how in the effin' world, evolution became a so-called "theory"???????? This is a damn insult on my intelligence and everyone else who has been tought this... what the hell is it... its not even a hypothesis!

I mean seriously... read on...

A thrombus, or blood clot, is the final product of the blood coagulation step in hemostasis. It is achieved via the aggregation of platelets that form a platelet plug, and the activation of the humoral coagulation system (i.e. clotting factors). A thrombus is physiologic in cases of injury, but pathologic in case of thrombosis.

Specifically, a thrombus is a blood clot in an intact blood vessel. A thrombus in a large blood vessel will decrease blood flow through that vessel. In a small blood vessel, blood flow may be completely cut-off resulting in death of tissue supplied by that vessel. If a thrombus dislodges and becomes free-floating, it is an embolus.

Some of the conditions which elevate risk of blood clots developing include atrial fibrillation (a form of cardiac arrhythmia), heart valve replacement, a recent heart attack, extended periods of inactivity (see deep venous thrombosis), and genetic or disease-related deficiencies in the blood's clotting abilities.

Preventing blood clots reduces the risk of stroke, heart attack and pulmonary embolism. Heparin and warfarin are often used to inhibit the formation and growth of existing blood clots, thereby allowing the body to shrink and dissolve the blood clots through normal methods (see anticoagulant).

Virchow's Triad describes the conditions necessary for thrombus formation:

Changes in vessel wall morphology (e.g. trauma, atheroma)
Changes in blood flow through the vessel (e.g. valvulitis, aneurysm)
Changes in blood composition (e.g. leukaemia, hypercoagulability disorders)

Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) involves widespread microthrombi formation throughout the majority of the blood vessels. This is due to excessive consumption of coagulation factors and fibrinolysis using all of the body's available platelets and clotting factors. The end result is ischaemic necrosis of the affected tissue/organs and spontaneous bleeding due to the lack of clotting factors. Causes are septicaemia, acute leukaemia, shock, snake bites or severe trauma. Treatment involves the use of fresh, frozen plasma to restore the level of clotting factors in the blood.


...that's some chance over millions and millions of years my friend. It takes ALOT more faith to believe that than in the Bible. I mean seriously... Oh by the way... Just for humor's sake... How did humans/apes/whatever we were survive BEFORE bloodclotting began happening???

Anyone got an answer?

Seriously... Step off evolution and atheism...